Do you have a HostGator shared account and you’re seeing Internal Server Errors intermittently on otherwise-working code? I have a couple of domains at HostGator (not this domain). One of them experience this issue for several days. Randomly, loading any page on the site would generate “Internal Server Error” and the message in this post […]
Author: hausman
After years of putting up with Rick and his digital photo editing services crap I think I have finally figured out a way to block these messages. Here’s the deal. You run a mail server, and you get spam every single day from Rick offering digital photo editing services. You put “We are a china […]
ack – better than grep
An oldie but a goodie…filed away here because I tend to forget about cool tools like this.
I believe I’ve uncovered an accounting nightmare for merchants who receive 1099-Ks. I noticed that some of my monthly totals for 1099-K were off by small amounts vs. my (very) detailed monthly accounting. Turns out, the 1099-K’s appear to have been generated based on transaction date, while my reporting is traditionally based on settlement date […]
Variable interpolation in Batch Files
Apparently it is possible to use variable interpolation in Windows batch files. @echo off set myVar=bob goto print_%myVar% echo ALICE :print_bob echo BOB Output is: BOB Useful for all kinds of things…
Android sends read receipts automatically
I was surprised recently when someone responded to a read-receipt showing when I had read one of their messages. Like many others, I turned off Outlook’s option to send read receipts automatically many years ago. Since I had just changed Exchange 2010 mail providers, I assumed that I had missed this option and simply needed […]
If you installed Apache on Windows (I like WAMPServer myself) and you’re trying to run Perl scripts, you might encounter the dreaded Internal Server Error (500) and a cryptic entry in Apache’s error log: [Sat Jun 04 19:01:50 2011] [error] [client] (OS 2)The system cannot find the file specified. : couldn’t create child process: […]
Munin and High Loads
Munin, while a great monitoring tool, can be a little bit of a CPU hog. I had installed it awhile back and looked at the graphs just for fun now and then (I’m lucky, my servers are humming along pretty smoothly), but I started noticing load averages were measurably higher than they were before I […]
Countering a Slow Loris Apache attack
Here is a poor man’s way to mitigate a slow loris attack. The DoS attack, not the fuzzy mammal with the poisonous elbows. If you’re reading this, hopefully you’ve searched and figured out what the slow loris attack is all about. You probably also run Apache 1.x or 2.x. I read about the antiloris module […]
Here is a quick Perl one-liner that lets you tail an Apache log file and view nicely-formatted output: tail -f YOURDOMAIN_LOG_FILE | perl -ne ‘$|=1;my ($host,$date,$url,$status,$size,$referrer,$agent) = $_ =~ m/^(\S+) – – \[(\S+ [\-|\+]\d{4})\] “(\S+ \S+ [^”]+)” (\d{3}) (\d+|-) “(.*?)” “([^”]+)”$/;print $host . ” – ” . $date . ” – ” . $url .”\n”;’ […]